10.24331/ijere.Argumentative essay about educational psychology writer Free essay program. T1 - Learning Module for Elementary School Students Using Learning Model Based on LCM Theory "Learning Module for Elementary School Students Using Learning Model Based on LCM Theory". International Journal of Educational Research Review 4 (2019 "Learning Module for Elementary School Students Using Learning Model Based on LCM Theory" International Journal of Educational Research Review Learning Module for Elementary School Students Using Learning Model Based on LCM Theory It also ready to be proceed to the next stage in the ADDIE model product development design This result shows that the science learning module for the fifth grade of elementary school students in animal and human motion organ theme and fresh air for health theme using learning model based on LCM theory is suitable to be used. Learning content validation was done by the expert team and has of 85.88% score so it could be categorized as a very good module. Validation instrument that be used was modified from the standard of LPPM UNS and Ghirardini standard. The components in the learning module consist of KI, KD, indicators, learning activities, student worksheets, evaluation, and independent assignments. This module consists of animal and human motion organs theme and fresh air for health theme and linking the materials in sub-themes with an art creation process. The first third stages of the ADDIE model has been applied (i.e. The ADDIE model was used for the development design. These three aspects are based on the LCM theory introduced by Tibrani. The learning model based on LCM theory is designed so that every human being is able to achieve maximum intuitive intelligence by considering the physical aspects, creativity, and ratio or reasoning power. At this stage, students like to learn new knowledge based on their curiosity. The fifth grade students of elementary school are entering the industriousness vs inferiority stage according to “all compassing psychological theory” from Erikson. Jurnal Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia, 7 (1), 1-18. Pendidikan Seni, Hubungannya dengan Ambang Sadar, Imajinasi, dan Kreativitas serta Manfaatnya untuk Proses Belajar yang Bermutu. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 6 (1), 64-70. Science learning cycle method to enhance the conceptual understanding and the learning ındependence on physics learning. Instructional technology and media for learning (8th ed.). (2005) Peran Ruang dalam Menunjang Perkembangan Kreativitas Anak. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 3 (3), 39-46. The development of ıntegrative theme based ınstructional materials containing characteristics values of fifth grade elementary schools in Surakarta, Indonesia. Tema 1 Organ Gerak Hewan dan Manusia Buku Tematik Terpadu Kurikulum 2013 Buku Guru SD/ MI Kelas V. Tema 2 Udara Bersih bagi Kesehatan Buku Tematik Terpadu Kurikulum 2013 Buku Guru SD/ MI Kelas V. A proposed model of psychodynamic psychotherapy linked to Erik Erikson’s Eight Stages of Psychosocial Development. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 3 (3), 75-85. The effectiveness of scientific approach using e-module based on Learning Cycle 7E to ımprove students learning outcome. Istuningsih, W., Baedhowi, B., Sangka, K.

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